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Structural Search

The XEmacs incremental search (I-search) feature has been extended in Harmonia-Mode by allowing you search for specific program features.

Using Harmonia's I-search

Original I-search

Just like with the XEmacs I-search, you can enter Harmonia's I-search mode by typing C-s (or C-r). The minibuffer will then display "I-search:". At this point, you can type any sequence of characters, and XEmacs will show you all strings in the current buffer that match the sequence you typed.

Harmonia-mode's I-search supports all the features of XEmacs' built-in I-search. For more information the built-in I-search, see the XEmacs User's Manual.

Harmonia's Filtered Searches

Harmonia-mode adds value to the regular I-search by allowing you to filter searches to return specific types of structures.

Each language has a variety of structure-types to which you can filter a search. There is a keybinding for each type, that you can use to toggle each type's filter.

  • To filter the current search to a type of structure, enter the structure's filter command after entering I-search mode.
  • Entering the command again will remove the filter.
  • Entering the command for a different filter will remove the old filter before adding the new one.
(Note: This behavior is configurable. For more information, see "Persistent I-search Structure Filters" in the Customization Reference section.)

Example: Cool

Cool supports the following filter commands:

Command Filters To
M-t Class names
M-m Method names
M-v Variable names
M-i Identifiers
M-w Words
M-c Comments
M-s Strings
  • To search for the next occurrence of a method with a name containing foo, type C-s M-m foo.
  • To search for the previous occurrence of the word bar in a comment, type C-r M-c bar.
  • Example: Java

    Java supports the following filter commands:

    Command Filters To
    M-t Class or Interface names
    M-m Method and Constructor names
    M-v Variable and Field Names
    M-i Identifier names
    M-w Words
    M-c Comments
    M-s Strings
  • To search for the next occurrence of a method with a name containing foo, type C-s M-m foo.
  • To search for the previous occurrence of the word bar in a comment, type C-r M-c bar.
  • Additional Languages

    To see the Harmonia I-search commands for additional languages, see the Key Bindings Reference.

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