
Pan Publications

Michael L. Van De Vanter. Practical language-based editing for software engineers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 896:251-267, 1995. (Gzipped PostScript, 54K bytes)

Michael L. Van De Vanter. User interaction in language-based editing systems. Technical Report CSD-93-726, University of California, Berkeley, April 1993. (Abstract)

Robert A. Ballance, Susan L. Graham, and Michael L. Van De Vanter. The Pan language-based editing system. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 1(1):95-127, January 1992. (Abstract) (Gzipped PostScript, 35 pages, 196K) (PDF, 2.3M)

Michael L. Van De Vanter, Susan L. Graham, and Robert A. Ballance. Coherent user interfaces for language-based editing systems. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 37(4):431-466, 1992.

Robert A. Ballance and Susan L. Graham. Incremental consistency maintenance for interactive applications. In Koichi Furukawa, editor, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Logic Programming, pages 895-909, Paris, France, 1991. The MIT Press.

Robert A. Ballance, Susan L. Graham, and Michael L. Van De Vanter. The Pan language-based editing system for integrated development environments. Technical Report CSD-90-593, University of California, Berkeley, September 1990. (Abstract)

Robert A. Ballance, Susan L. Graham, and Michael L. Van De Vanter. The Pan Language-based Editing System for Integrated Development Environments. In Proceedings of the Fourth ACM SIGSOFT '90 Symposium on Software Development Environments, pages 77-93, December 1990. Published as SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, volume 15, number 6.

Christina L. Black. PPP: The Pan Program Presenter. Technical Report CSD-90-589, University of California, Berkeley, November 5, 1990. (Gzipped PostScript, 60 pages, 157K)

Michael L. Van De Vanter, Robert A. Ballance, and Susan L. Graham. Coherent user interfaces for language-based editing systems. Technical Report CSD-90-591, University of California, Berkeley, July 1990. (Abstract)

Robert A. Ballance. Syntactic and semantic checking in language-based editing systems. Technical Report CSD-89-548, University of California, Berkeley, December 1989. (Abstract)

Jacob Butcher. Ladle. Technical Report CSD-89-519, University of California, Berkeley, November 1989. (Abstract)

Robert A. Ballance, Jacob Butcher, and Susan L. Graham. Grammatical abstraction and incremental syntax analysis in a language-based editor. SIGPLAN Notices, 23(7):185-198, July 1988. Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN '88 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation.

Robert A. Ballance and Michael L. Van De Vanter. An introduction for users. Technical Report CSD-88-410, University of California, Berkeley, September 1986. (Abstract)

Robert A. Ballance, Michael L. Van De Vanter, and Susan L. Graham. The architecture of Pan I. Technical Report CSD-88-409, University of California, Berkeley, September 1986. (Abstract) (Gzipped PostScript, 36 pages, 113K)