Harmonia Build Instructions for Windows
- Create a c:\harmonia folder.
- Install Needed Programs:
- Install Visual Studio.NET 2003 (earlier versions will not compile our code properly.)
- Get the Java SDK
- Save and uncompress the latest garbage collector into c:\harmonia\
Rename the garbage collector directory to c:\harmonia\gc
- Save and unzip extrawindowsfiles.zip into c:\harmonia (Make sure you are using a native Windows unzipper, not Cygwin; otherwise, .dll do not get proper execute permissions set.)
- Goto c:\harmonia\gc\include\ and copy to C:\harmonia\auxiliary\include\gc (you need to make that gc directory)
- gc.h
- gc_config_macros.h
- gc_allocator.h
- Build the Garbage Collector DLL
- Load Visual Studio's Command Prompt: Start:Program Files:Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003:Visual Studio .NET Tools:
Visual Studio .NET 2003 Command Prompt
- Goto c:\harmonia\gc
- Check that NT_THREADS_MAKEFILE defines ATOMIC_UNCOLLECTABLE (look for /D ATOMIC_UNCOLLECTABLE) - not all releases of the GC enable it by default.
- Run nmake /F "NT_THREADS_MAKEFILE" CFG="gc - Win32 Release"
- Add Java to your path
- Run the solution Harmonia.sln from c:\harmonia\src
- Go to Tools, Options, Projects, VC++ Directories (Executable Files)
- Add c:\j2sdk1.4.2\bin
- Go to Tools, Options, Projects, VC++ Directories (Include Files)
- c:\j2sdk1.4.2\include
- c:\j2sdk1.4.2\include\win32
- From inside Visual Studio .Net, under solution Harmonia, press CTRL+SHIFT+B to compile harmonia.
- All DLLs compiled will be copied to the c:\harmonia\build directory in a subdirectory named for the build configuration you made (Debug-GC or Release-GC).